Sunday, January 9, 2011

Through the Looking Glass

A very dear friend and customer asked me a wonderful question on the Sonata Facebook page: "What do I use to fill my glass jars during those "in-between" times?" It is usually fairly easy to find fillers when it is holiday time....ornament balls for Christmas, Easter eggs for Easter, etc. But what do you use for filler when there isn't a pertinent holiday? While I love to see jars filled with pasta or lemons or cotton balls and swabs, take it a step further and think outside of the box...or glass, that is! Here are some ideas to consider:

For the chilly month of January, toss in colorful balls of yarn. I love the combination of comfy, cozy yarn with elegant glass!

Rocks? You bet! This is works well for a contemporary yet "earthy" look!

No, I haven't lost my marbles. I just put them in a jar!

I love taking everyday items and grouping them en masse! Gather some old doorknobs and you have an instant conversation piece.

Vintage eyeglasses! Gather at thrift stores or flea markets...or if you are my age, just look around the house! Add two or three pairs to a simple jar, and you’ll have a display that everyone will want to “see.”

Wheat grass is so crisp and fresh! While this one takes a little more time and patience, the wait is definitely worth it!

Glass is so simple yet so stunning when paired with its contents. Take a walk through your home and see what you find!

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